– 銅鑼音頻原理
– 銅鑼及工具介紹
– 單棒及雙棒運用
– 敲擊節奏、速度、強度與音質
– 演奏的段落組合
– 個人氣質與能量流
– 個人表演
2024年: 1/9 (日), 或 18/9 (三,中秋翌日), 或 26/12 (四,聖誕公假)
上午 10 時至下午 5 時
名額有限,報名從速。如日期不適合可 WhatsApp 留下聯絡作適合安排。
銅鑼聲療證書 – 技術基礎
每位港幣 $2000 元
上課地點 :
傲翔聲光 聲頻及輔導中心
九龍長沙灣永明街3號泰昌工廠大廈10樓1020室 (荔枝角地鐵站B1出口)
對聲頻療法有興趣人士,歡迎 WhatsApp 查詢。
「很開心可以跟 Jessica So 這位有熱誠又專業的頌缽老師學習聲頻浴和演奏 (A3單元),內容非常豐盛和實用,更充滿樂趣。課程實踐和理論並重,Jessica 老師更耐心聆聽學員的需要,適當地豐富內容,詳細地回應提問,並鼓勵我們去實踐所學。這讓我對將來設計和帶領頌缽工作坊增加了不少信心和動力,真是一個能量滿滿的課程。」— AL . 2021
「上月中,我做了四次頌缽與音叉治療, 我體驗到它對我的身體、精神、情感和精神上的放鬆,內在產生強大的平衡和活力。我感謝 Jessica 溫柔、專業的治療,她經驗豐富,耐心地解答我心理的問題,又全能神貫注地為在我身體不同部位上擊拍頌缽及施加音叉,令我有非凡的體驗,治療後我有完整的感覺。」— Amy
「上 Jessica 老師的課堂很能感受到她的熱誠。集體聲頻療法培訓課程除咗有基本的理論和步驟外,老師亦有教導如何按自己的風格和不同情況下去靈活發揮和實踐。短短兩天的課程,海量的知識,滿滿的收穫。很感謝 Jessica 老師真誠的分享,感恩有緣相識!」— C . 2021
「我上了 2 天 Jessica 老師的頌鉢課程,老師的教導很有耐心,我們問的每一條問題她都解答得很詳細和專業,我感覺到她有一份無私教導我們的心。雖然只有短短兩天的課程,但我的得著很多,無論是心法或是技巧方面~我會推薦 Jessica 老師的課程給朋友。」— V . 2021
「多謝你親切友善樂於分享的態度,將你的經驗與專業知識分享給我們,讓我對頌缽的認識更深;完成你的課堂讓我有了新的意念,融合我曾經所學的一起使用,早前成功辦了頌缽體驗分享,我覺得很快樂,期望將來可以有更豐富的知識,感謝。」— X . 2021
「對頌缽認識加深,對身體感觀 / 七輪認識,頌缽身體如何作出改善及運用,頌缽的文化,分辨人手及機器的分別,增加自己氣塲及幫助別人穩定自己情緒。」— Vanessa Yung . 10-11-2019
「今日學頌缽的運用同頌缽的用途。 頌缽的分類同用用途,點用幫身體達到心身的健康,點用打開7輪,改善治療。」— Ng . 10-11-2019
「專業,講解易明 即時感覺到頌缽功效,治療作用很好 例如:腰酸軟,心輪位置原本有點不舒服 也是很好的靜心方法。」— Bertha . 14-9-2019
“I learnt how to care myself than care people when I accept the healing therapy. As well as how to add the power and empower the other and I, it let me know the power of inner child and the connection between consciousness and unconsciousness. The value is giving about the power to self-care and care.” — Jo Jo . 14-9-2019
「導師非常有耐性,很有內容非常充實,實用可用於個人及幫助家人朋友,今天收獲超想象,獲益良多,感謝。」— Idy . 13-9-2019
“Thank you so much for Jessica’s selfless sharing and teaching on using the bowl. I learn the techniques and feel so relaxed during the class. I know which chakras blockage and know how to enrich the energy flow. Overall, the course is very fruitful. Value I have created in this training is to understand more of my chakra problems and to solve the respective problem.” — Iris . 1 May 2019
1. 解決到失眠
2. 了解更多頌缽的用處
3. 知道如何上購自己的缽
— Maggie . 1 May 2019
“Thank you for the customized experience both for a group of teachers and for me who is seeking healing. Your generosity has exceed my expectation, and I will suggest this workshop for my loved ones. The value I have created in this training is:
– Knowledge of what + how about the singing bowls.
– User experience of the bowls for helping others + self-help.
– I gain lots of positive energy
I feel more courageous and confidence after my internal chaos is being soothed.”
— Leona Wan . 17-3-2019
“Interesting workshop as usual! And I am getting curious to learn more in singing bowl, because of your good structure of the class. Negative energy can be released. It is more scientific and less religious than I thought about. — Teng Elenor . 1-1-2019
「謝謝 Jessica 在新的一年帶領我們有一個療癒的好開始,身心得到平靜和放鬆。Jessica 是一個專業導師,講解清晰、內容豐富,得益不少。 學習到新工具去療癒,體驗一種平靜感覺。」 — Anita Li . 1-1-2019
「用心,不藏私的教學,謝謝。沒想過一堂基礎班可以學到這麽多的知識和練習。頌缽的治療範圍原來可以很多。」 — Iris Leung . 22 May 2018
“Very experienced and detailed explanation in an easy understandable and practical way. Very practical for self and for helping others. The way to use my singing bowl is as a healing and meditation tool. This also helps my family members and friends to heal themselves in a natural way. Also, it can be used as a relaxation tool in my own retreat.” — Wings . 6-3-2018
“The trainer is very considerate, kind hearted, professional and experienced, making the class an inspiring and fruitful course.
The workshop is very experiential, and the practical practice can be used on myself or help others.” — Joey . 3-3-2018
“Very good chance to learn how to explore the singing bowl from my body and share with anyone who I love. Enhancing positive energy. New elements will be added into my yoga class. It leads to help the students who would want to get improvement not only on yoga experience, but also temper.” — Gloria . 2-3-2018